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Year 5 - Maple Class

Welcome to the Maple Class Page

We hope you had a wonderful Easter!  We're looking forward to the Summer term. Please find below some information which you will hopefully find useful over the next half term.

School Day Reminders

  • The school day for Maple class begins at 8.45am and ends at 3.30pm
  • PE will be on Tuesdays and Fridays
  • No nut products to be brought into school please

Dates for Your Diary

Monday 15th April - term begins

Wednesday 24th April - Science Shows in school - no cost

Thursday 2nd May - School closed for Election Day

Wednesday 22nd May - provisional date for KS2 Sports Day in afternoon

Thursday 23rd May - Maple class assembly 9am

Friday 24th May - School closes for half term 


A reminder about online safety:

If you are working online, don’t forget to be safe and savvy! 

Never give personal information to anyone! Think about the safety of what you are sharing or posting if you are online or on your phone.

Do not share your school log-ins or change your log-in details. We won’t ask you to do that.

Make sure you are accessing online material that is relevant for your age and tell an adult at home if you come across something that is not suitable for you, or if someone is trying to contact/talk to you that is not someone you know.

You can contact your teacher through Seesaw if you feel vulnerable or worried, or contact Childline 0800 1111.

Useful reminders about Online Safety are at 

Please find below some information which you will hopefully find useful during the first half of the Spring term: please look at the curriculum section of our website to view more information about our curriculum.

Year 5 - Maple Class Curriculum


This half term we will be reading 'There's a Boy in the Girls' Bathroom' by Louis Sachar. The book's main character, Bradley Chalkers, is always in trouble. We get right into Bradley's heart and mind in this novel, finding ways to discuss issues of friendship and bullying, and investigating the links between self-esteem, behaviour and learning. We will work on improving our comprehension, writing recounts and play scripts.


The children will receive a new spelling list each Monday and will be tested on these spellings on the following Thursday.

We will practice these spellings together in school throughout the week but you can also find an overview for this half term below so that you can support your child's learning at home.


Fluency in reading is hugely important for so many reasons, from the ability to independently research things of interest to the joy of 'getting lost' in a brilliant story.

In addition to the reading practice at school, there is an expectation that children in Year 5 read for 15 minutes each day at home. 

We also provide a Home Reader book each week which is changed every Thursday.

We also visit the school library every other Thursday to give the children the opportunity to choose a book to read either in school or at home. Children are welcome to borrow their chosen book for longer than one week if additional time is needed.


In Maths this half term we will study

  • Position and Movement - plotting points, describing translations and reflections
  • Measurement - converting units of length, mass and volume, solve word problems and read temperatures.


We will complete our Life Cycles topic.

We will describe the differences in the life cycles of mammals, amphibians, insects and birds. We will learn how humans change as they grow to old age.

Then we will move on to Materials - comparing and grouping everyday materials on the basis of their properties, investigating the particular uses of different materials.


Trade - We will learn what trading is, investigating the difference between imports and exports. We will use maps to show the UK's trade links with other countries and explain the importance of fair trade.


Jesus the Teacher - we will learn about Jesus' skills as a teacher and listen to some of the stories he told. We will consider the messages of some of his parables and how they impact on the lives of practising Christians. 


Our PE days will continue to be Tuesdays and Fridays this half term. Tuesdays will be taught by the specialist sports coach and Fridays will be taught by Mr Beck.

For PE lessons, your child will need: either a school logo PE shirt or a plain white or pale blue t shirt (no football shirts, please), black or royal blue shorts or plain black or navy leggings and pumps or trainers.

A plain black or navy tracksuit will be useful in colder weather.

Please ensure PE bags and items of kit are clearly labelled with your child's name.

For safety, long hair should be tied back and earrings either removed or taped over (tape is provided by school; please provide your child's hair bobble).


In Computing sessions we will complete our learning about Databases then move on to Word Processing.