This term we will reading J.K Rowling's Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone and exploring the themes of friendship and belonging. As we work our way through the chapters, the children will be given lots of opportunities for discussion and writing, including setting descriptions, character analysis and a job advertisement.
The children will receive a new spelling list each Monday and will be tested on these spellings on the following Thursday. We will practice these spellings together in school throughout the week but you can also find an overview for this half term below so that you can support your child's learning at home.
Fluency in reading is hugely important for so many reasons, from the ability to independently research things of interest to the joy of 'getting lost' in a brilliant story. In addition to the reading practice at school, there is an expectation that children in Year 5 read for 15 minutes each day at home. We also provide a Home Reader book each week which is changed every Thursday. We also visit the school library every other Thursday to give the children the opportunity to choose a book to read either in school or at home. Children are welcome to borrow their chosen book for longer than one week if additional time is needed, please just specify in their home reading record.
This half term we will be developing pupils' ability to handle more diverse problems involving fractions, including dividing and multiplying fractions by whole numbers. As they progress through the unit, they find equivalent fractions, compare and order fractions and utilise the number bond strategy, known as number pairs, in their work with fractions. Next, pupils review adding fractions, with a focus on fractions with different denominators and fractions that create improper fractions and mixed numbers. Then they subtract fractions that are different, finding common denominators and subtracting mixed numbers and improper fractions. At the end of the chapter, pupils begin to multiply fractions by whole numbers and multiply mixed numbers by whole numbers.
This half term we will be looking at Space. Our first lessons will focus on the The Solar System and plantets before allowing children to create their own models. We will look at how ideas of The Solar System have developed and changed over time. Children will be able to explain why there is night and day as well as describe the motion of the Earth and planets. We will finish the unit by exploring the moon and its features.
Now until the end of Spring 1, Maple class will be looking at the enquiry question 'What was the impact of the Industrial Revolution on children’s lives?' By the end of this topic, children will have built on their chronological understanding of British history whilst also understanding that other civilizations ran concurrently to what they have learnt about in the past previously. They will understand how Victorians impacted life today and be able to compare their life today to that of the life of a Victorian child.
This half term, we will explore the question 'What does it mean to be a Muslim in Britain today?' Children will be able to identify and explain Muslim beliefs about God, the Prophet and the Holy Qur’an. They will also be able to describe ways in which Muslim sources of authority guide
Muslim living.
Our PE days will be Tuesdays and Wednesdays this half term. Tuesdays will be taught by the specialist sports coach and Wednesdays will be taught by Mrs. Ryding.
For PE lessons, your child will need: either a school logo PE shirt or a plain white or pale blue t shirt (no football shirts, please), black or royal blue shorts or plain black or navy leggings and pumps or trainers.
A plain black or navy tracksuit will be useful in colder weather.
Please ensure PE bags and items of kit are clearly labelled with your child's name.
For safety, long hair should be tied back and earrings either removed or taped over (tape is provided by school; please provide your child's hair bobble).