We hope you have all had a wonderful summer's rest and you are ready to come back into school full of energy ready for the start of Year 6. We are excited to get to know you all!
School Day Reminders
* The school day for Oak Class begins at 8:45 am and ends at 3:30 pm.
* PE is on Monday and Thursday: Your child will get changed at school. Please dress appropriately for the weather, no football kits. Children will have to miss the session if kit has been forgotten.
Polite reminder: no nut products to be brought into school for lunch or snack.
Dates for Your Diary-
*Monday 14th October- Bikeability all week.
*Friday 18th October- Half Term.
If you are online, don’t forget to be safe and savvy!
Never give personal information to anyone! Think about the safety of what you are sharing or posting if you are online or on your phone.
Do not share your school log-ins or change your log-in details. We won’t ask you to do that.
Make sure you are accessing online material that is relevant for your age and tell an adult at home if you come across something that is not suitable for you, or if someone is trying to contact/talk to you that is not someone you know.
You can contact your teacher through Seesaw if you feel vulnerable or worried, or contact Childline 0800 1111.
Useful reminders about Online Safety are at Thinkuknow.co.uk
Please find below some information which you will hopefully find useful during the first half of the autumn term: please look at the curriculum section of our website to view more information about our curriculum.