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As per our Sycamore Church of England Multi-Academy Trust Articles of Association and Scheme of Delegation, each school within the Sycamore Church of England Multi-Academy Trust has its own Local Academy Committee (LAC), which must have a minimum of 2 parent partners in its membership.

Local Academy Committee's have powers and responsibility delegated to them by the Trust Board of Directors and from the Chief Executive Officer, so that those people closest to a school have the prerogative to work in partnership effectively.

We strongly believe that excellent schools have excellent leadership and management from within.

The Trust has a duty to ensure that it enables excellent leadership in each of our schools through empowerment and support.

The Sycamore Church of England Multi-Academy Trust Governance Handbook includes the terms of reference for Local Academy Committees and outlines the code of conduct for partners at all levels.

Christ Church’s Local Academy Committee

Current Local Governors
Previous Local Governors
Name Type Appointed by Date of Appointment Term of Office Pecuniary Interests: Resignation Date (if applicable)
Katherine Ashworth (Chair) Foundation Appointed by Trustees 13/09/22 13/09/22-12/09/26 Yes N/A
Sarah. L. Howard Headteacher Ex-officio 01/01/19 01/01/19 No N/A
Julie Benson Foundation Appointed by Trustees 04/09/23 04/09/23 - 03/09/27 No N/A
Danielle Holt Staff  Elected by Staff 31/01/24 31/01/24 - 30/01/28 No N/A
Dominique Stead Parent Elected by Parents 01/06/21 01/06/21 - 31/05/25 No N/A
Alison Morrell Community Appointed by Trustees 18/03/24 18/03/24 - 17/03/28 Yes N/A
Jeni Whitham Community Appointed by Trustees 18/03/24 18/03/24 - 17/03/28 No N/A


Name Type Appointing Board Term of Office Resignation Date Pecuniary Interests
Mr Danny Broadhurst Parent  Elected by Parent 30/06/22 - 03/09/24 03/09/24 No
Mrs Janet Fitton Foundation Appointed by Trustees 01/06/20 - 16/02/24 16/02/24 No
Mrs Katherine Stedman Foundation Appointed by Trustees 26/08/21 - 04/09/23 04/09/23 No
Marie Beswick Foundation Appointed by Trustees 27/01/20 - 26/01/23 26/01/23 No

LAC Attendance at Meetings

Attendance 2019 - 2020

Name 04/11/19 16/03/20 15/06/20
Marie Beswick - Present Present
Janet Fitton - - Apologies
Andrew Gundry Present Present Present
Danielle Holt Present Present Present
Sarah Howard (Head of School) Present Present Present
Daniel Massey Apologies Apologies Apologies

Attendance 2020 - 2021

Name 09/11/20 25/03/21 21/06/21
Marie Beswick Present - -
Sarah Howard Present Present Present
Andrew Gundry Present Present Present
Janet Fitton Present Present Present
Daniel Massey Present Apologies Present
Danielle Holt Present Present Present
Dominique Stead - - Present

Attendance 2021 - 2022

Name 22/11/21 07/03/22 27/06/22
Sarah Howard Present present  Present
Andrew Gundry Present Present Absent
Janet Fitton Present Present Present
Daniel Massey Present Absent Absent
Danielle Holt Present Maternity Leave Maternity Leave
Dominique Stead Present Present Present
Katherine Stedman Present Absent Present

Attendance 2022 -2023

Name 14/11/2022 07/03/2023 27/06/2023
Katherine Ashworth Present Present Present
Janet Fitton Present Present Present
Danny Broadhurst Apologies Apologies Present
Danielle Holt Maternity Leave Maternity Leave Maternity Leave
Dominique Stead Present Present Present
Katherine Stedman Present Present  Present
Sarah Howard Present Present Present

Attendance 2023-2024


Member Member Type Term of Office 14th November 2023 5th March 2024 11th June 2024
Katherine Ashworth (Chair) Foundation 13/09/2022-12/09/2026 Apologies Present Present
Julie Benson Foundation 04/09/2023-03/09/2027 Absent Present Present
Janet Fitton Foundation 01/06/2020-16/02/2024 Present Not applicable Not applicable
Danielle Holt Staff 31/01/2024-30/01/2028 Present Apologies Present
Sarah Howard Head Teacher 01/01/2019 Present Present Present
Alison Morrell Community 18/03/2024-17/03/2028 Not applicable Not applicable Present
Dominique Stead Parent 01/06/2021-31/05/2025 Present Present Present
Jeni Whitham Community 18/03/2024-17/03/2028 Not applicable Not applicable Present
Danny Broadhurst Parent 30/06/2022-03/09/2024 Apologies Apologies Apologies