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As per our Sycamore Church of England Multi-Academy Trust Articles of Association and Scheme of Delegation, each school within the Sycamore Church of England Multi-Academy Trust has its own Local Academy Committee (LAC), which must have a minimum of 2 parent partners in its membership.
Local Academy Committee's have powers and responsibility delegated to them by the Trust Board of Directors and from the Chief Executive Officer, so that those people closest to a school have the prerogative to work in partnership effectively.
We strongly believe that excellent schools have excellent leadership and management from within.
The Trust has a duty to ensure that it enables excellent leadership in each of our schools through empowerment and support.
The Sycamore Church of England Multi-Academy Trust Governance Handbook includes the terms of reference for Local Academy Committees and outlines the code of conduct for partners at all levels.
Name | Type | Appointed by | Date of Appointment | Term of Office | Pecuniary Interests: | Resignation Date (if applicable) |
Katherine Ashworth (Chair) | Foundation | Appointed by Trustees | 13/09/22 | 13/09/22-12/09/26 | Yes | N/A |
Sarah. L. Howard | Headteacher | Ex-officio | 01/01/19 | 01/01/19 | No | N/A |
Julie Benson | Foundation | Appointed by Trustees | 04/09/23 | 04/09/23 - 03/09/27 | No | N/A |
Danielle Holt | Staff | Elected by Staff | 31/01/24 | 31/01/24 - 30/01/28 | No | N/A |
Dominique Stead | Parent | Elected by Parents | 01/06/21 | 01/06/21 - 31/05/25 | No | N/A |
Alison Morrell | Community | Appointed by Trustees | 18/03/24 | 18/03/24 - 17/03/28 | Yes | N/A |
Jeni Whitham | Community | Appointed by Trustees | 18/03/24 | 18/03/24 - 17/03/28 | No | N/A |
Name | Type | Appointing Board | Term of Office | Resignation Date | Pecuniary Interests |
Mr Danny Broadhurst | Parent | Elected by Parent | 30/06/22 - 03/09/24 | 03/09/24 | No |
Mrs Janet Fitton | Foundation | Appointed by Trustees | 01/06/20 - 16/02/24 | 16/02/24 | No |
Mrs Katherine Stedman | Foundation | Appointed by Trustees | 26/08/21 - 04/09/23 | 04/09/23 | No |
Marie Beswick | Foundation | Appointed by Trustees | 27/01/20 - 26/01/23 | 26/01/23 | No |
Name | 04/11/19 | 16/03/20 | 15/06/20 |
Marie Beswick | - | Present | Present |
Janet Fitton | - | - | Apologies |
Andrew Gundry | Present | Present | Present |
Danielle Holt | Present | Present | Present |
Sarah Howard (Head of School) | Present | Present | Present |
Daniel Massey | Apologies | Apologies | Apologies |
Name | 09/11/20 | 25/03/21 | 21/06/21 |
Marie Beswick | Present | - | - |
Sarah Howard | Present | Present | Present |
Andrew Gundry | Present | Present | Present |
Janet Fitton | Present | Present | Present |
Daniel Massey | Present | Apologies | Present |
Danielle Holt | Present | Present | Present |
Dominique Stead | - | - | Present |
Name | 22/11/21 | 07/03/22 | 27/06/22 |
Sarah Howard | Present | present | Present |
Andrew Gundry | Present | Present | Absent |
Janet Fitton | Present | Present | Present |
Daniel Massey | Present | Absent | Absent |
Danielle Holt | Present | Maternity Leave | Maternity Leave |
Dominique Stead | Present | Present | Present |
Katherine Stedman | Present | Absent | Present |
Name | 14/11/2022 | 07/03/2023 | 27/06/2023 |
Katherine Ashworth | Present | Present | Present |
Janet Fitton | Present | Present | Present |
Danny Broadhurst | Apologies | Apologies | Present |
Danielle Holt | Maternity Leave | Maternity Leave | Maternity Leave |
Dominique Stead | Present | Present | Present |
Katherine Stedman | Present | Present | Present |
Sarah Howard | Present | Present | Present |
Member | Member Type | Term of Office | 14th November 2023 | 5th March 2024 | 11th June 2024 |
Katherine Ashworth (Chair) | Foundation | 13/09/2022-12/09/2026 | Apologies | Present | Present |
Julie Benson | Foundation | 04/09/2023-03/09/2027 | Absent | Present | Present |
Janet Fitton | Foundation | 01/06/2020-16/02/2024 | Present | Not applicable | Not applicable |
Danielle Holt | Staff | 31/01/2024-30/01/2028 | Present | Apologies | Present |
Sarah Howard | Head Teacher | 01/01/2019 | Present | Present | Present |
Alison Morrell | Community | 18/03/2024-17/03/2028 | Not applicable | Not applicable | Present |
Dominique Stead | Parent | 01/06/2021-31/05/2025 | Present | Present | Present |
Jeni Whitham | Community | 18/03/2024-17/03/2028 | Not applicable | Not applicable | Present |
Danny Broadhurst | Parent | 30/06/2022-03/09/2024 | Apologies | Apologies | Apologies |
CCMAT Accounts Submission Coversheet 2021 to 2022
CCMAT Signed Financial Statements 2021 - 2022
The Sycamore C of E Trust Annual Report & Financial Statement 2022-2023
Parent Governor Election.
Letter to Parents - Election of Parent Governor
Local Academy Partner Role Description and Nomination Form
Link to our Trust website - Governance Structure
Link to our Trust website - Governance Documents
CCMAT Articles of Association
CCMAT Scheme of Delegation
The Sycamore Trust Governance Handbook including Committee Terms of Reference
LAC Meeting Attendance 2023 - 2024
LAC Meeting Attendance 2021 - 22
LAC Meeting Attendance 2020 - 21
LAC Meeting Attendance 2019 - 20