Welcome to the Spring Term! Please see below for some key information, important dates and details on the Year 2 curriculum.
Please don't hesitate to catch us before or after school or email the office with any questions or queries.
Key Information
• Please can all children bring in a labelled P.E kit in a bag - P.E. lessons will be on Wednesdays and Thursdays
• The Key Stage 1 doors open at 8:45am and the end of the day is 3:25pm.
• Please ensure that your child has a water bottle in school daily. This should only have water in it, not juice please.
• Any children who aren’t collected after ten minutes at the end of their school day will be popped into After School Club which is located in the Portacabin.
• Children should be collected by someone over the age of 16. If someone different is collecting your child, please let their class teacher know.
• Please can all children bring a warm, waterproof coat in daily.
• Reading books to be brought into school on Fridays. Children will receive their new books each Friday. We do allocate Teaching Assistant time on Fridays to change books so it isn’t always possible to change forgotten books on other days.
• Year 2 will have new spellings sent home in the first week back. Copies of these are on class pages. Spelling tests will be every Friday.
Key Dates:
Friday 31st January - Break the Rules Day
Friday 14th February - End of half term
Make sure you are accessing online material that is relevant for your age and tell an adult at home if you come across something that is not suitable for you, or if someone is trying to contact/talk to you that is not someone you know.
You can contact your teacher through Seesaw if you feel vulnerable or worried, or contact Childline 0800 1111.
Useful reminders about Online Safety are at Thinkuknow.co.uk