We will start this half term continuing our multiplication and division topic. We will be multiplying by multiples of 10 and 100, multiplying 3 numbers together before moving on to multiplying and dividing 3-digit numbers using a formal method.
In Year 4, the children will be required to perform a times tables assessment at the end of the year. They will be tested on a set of random calculations from the 1-12 x tables. Any extra practice at home would be greatly appreciated. Times Tables Rockstars is a fantastic app to use and passwords will be sent home with the children.
We will be continuing our book 'The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane', we will be writing in roles, an informal letter, a recount and devising our own playscript.
There will be a focus on teaching and learning the words on the weekly spelling list in class, rather than sending lists of spellings home. A new list will be given to the children each Monday and they will be tested every Friday. Please look below for each week’s spelling rule and list.
It is essential that children in Year 4 continue to practise their reading skills every day. Reading books are being sent home and to be changed every Tuesday. Please remember to return the book with a signed reading record.
Children take part in Guided Reading sessions twice a week in which whole class strategies are used, using different forms of media including pictures, films and whole class texts and written comprehensions. The children also have time to read independently for pleasure after dinner every day. In addition, children are able to choose a book from the class book corner, which is to stay in school. The children also have the opportunity to go to the school library once every two weeks. Larch's day will be Thursdays.
Cross-Curricular Topic
The children have loved our history topic on Anglo-Saxons and Vikings so far this year and we will be continuing with this topic up until Christmas. We will be building on information that we have already learned and extending our knowledge further. We will be looking at Viking raids, Viking life and the struggle of power between the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings. We will study some Anglo-Saxon kings and focus on the battle of Hastings, the children will have the opportunity to create their own Bayeux Tapestry.
This half term our Science topic is ‘Grouping living things and their habitats’. Children will be able to group a range of animals based on their characteristics, create their own classification keys and explore ways in which we could improve our local environment Children will also understand the terms producers and consumers and be able to create their own food chain. Pupils will also be looking at positive and negative influences on the environment and animals’ habitats and animals that are endangered of becoming extinct.
P.E. lessons will take place on Monday afternoons and Thursday afternoons.
Please ensure their kit is weather dependent i.e. tracksuit bottoms/jogging bottoms when the weather is colder.