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Year 1/2 Hazel Class

                              Welcome to the Hazel Class Page

Hello and welcome back to the Summer term!! We have an exciting and action packed Summer term ahead of us. Please see below for some reminders, key dates and information on the Summer 1 curriculum. 

Please don't hesitate to catch us before or after school or email the office with any questions or queries. 

Mrs Hudson, Mrs Holt and Mrs Bates

Just a reminder we are a NUT FREE school. Please ensure your child isn't bringing anything containing nuts in their lunchboxes!

Key Information

·        Please can all children bring in a labelled P.E kit in a bag. 

·        The Key Stage 1 doors open at 8:45am and the end of the day is 3:25pm.

·        Please ensure that your child has a water bottle in school daily. This should only have water in it, not juice please. 

·         Any children who aren’t collected after ten minutes at the end of their school day will be popped into After School Club which is located in the Portacabin.  

·        Children should be collected by someone over the age of 16. If someone different is collecting your child, please let their class teacher know. 

·        Please can all children bring a warm, waterproof coat in daily. 

·       Reading books to be brought into school on Fridays. Children will receive their new books each Friday. We do allocate Teaching Assistant time on Fridays to change books so it isn’t always possible to change forgotten books on other days. 

·       Year 1 and Year 2 will have new spellings sent home in the first week back. Copies of these are on class pages. Spelling tests will be every Friday.


Key Dates:

  • Monday 15th April – School reopens after Easter
  • Wednesday 24th April – Science Show in school
  • Thursday 2nd May – School closed for Polling Day
  • Monday 6th May – School closed for May Day
  • Thursday 23rd of May Key Stage 1 Sports Day.
  • Friday 24th May – School closes for half term.
ha maths

A reminder about online safety:
If you are working online, don’t forget to be safe and savvy! 
Never give personal information to anyone! Think about the safety of what you are sharing or posting if you are online or on your phone.
Do not share your school log-ins or change your log-in details. We won’t ask you to do that.

Make sure you are accessing online material that is relevant for your age and tell an adult at home if you come across something that is not suitable for you, or if someone is trying to contact/talk to you that is not someone you know.

You can contact your teacher through Seesaw if you feel vulnerable or worried, or contact Childline 0800 1111.

Useful reminders about Online Safety are at 

Summer 1 Curriculum


Where in the World is India? In our new topic we will continue with a Geography focus and learn all the continents. We will look at what continent India is on and how India is a contrasting country from the UK; comparing Manchester as a city with Mumbai. We will look at Indian culture and different festivals celebrated in India. 

English - We will be looking at a new text called 'The Fox and the Star' by Coralie Bickford - Smith. It is a lovely tale of friendship, loss and self discovery. The children will be writing some poetry and re telling the story from a different perspective.

Maths Y1

  • Fractions
    • Numbers to 100
    • Time
    • Money 

Maths Y2 

  • Fractions
    • Time
    • Consolidation of learning

Science Y1 - Plants

This unit will introduce children to the idea of plants as living things which grow and change over time. The unit will encourage children to recognise the common features, similarities and differences between plants. Children will learn about the basic structure of a variety of common flowering plants, including trees. They will identify, name and describe the main parts of plants, including trees. They will learn that trees are plants and will learn the meaning of ‘evergreen’ and ‘deciduous’ when describing and comparing trees. Children will describe and compare common plants and trees in their local environment and will learn specific vocabulary relating to trees, e.g. trunk, bark etc. They will have the opportunity to plant, grow and observe their own plants throughout the unit.

Science Y2 - Growing Plants

In this unit children will explore how seeds and bulbs grow into mature plants. They will investigate what plants need to grow and will find out and describe how plants need water, light and a suitable temperature to grow and stay healthy. Children will discover where seeds come from by investigating fruits and seeds in their local environment. They will carefully observe and sort seeds and will also recognise how some plants are able to grow from bulbs. They will plant a variety of seeds, describing how they grow. Children will have the opportunity to plant seeds and to observe growth.

R.E  - Why is the Church a special place for Christians and we will also be exploring Hinduism

PSHE - Being My Best

P.E - Introduction to Sports and Ball Games

Design and Technology - Cooking and Nutrition

Music - Pitch and Tempo


Children will be bringing home their new half-termly spelling letters. Please ensure you continue to help your child learn their spellings and apply them in their writing; this is often the part children struggle with once they have learnt them for a test.


Our Summer Term Home Learning Challenges will be sent home before May half term as they link to our next topic. Thank you for all the effort and support with the polar ones. Meanwhile, please ensure your child is accessing Numbots (Y1 and Y2) and TT Rockstars (Y2) weekly. These are fantastic apps to support children’s maths fluency. 


Don’t forget you have access to the library on Mondays after school at the start of each month as well as the two weekly books your child brings home on Fridays. Listening to your child read regularly will really support them with their fluency and decoding. Children will now also be able to visit the School Library each fortnight to choose a book to read in class. This will be every other Thursday for both classes.